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Connect Your Export SDK Account to Zapier

The first step to integrating the Export SDK Zapier App in your Zaps is to connect your Zapier account to your Export SDK account.

1. Login to your Zapier account and go to the "My Apps" page.

Screenshot of Zapier 'My Apps' page

2. Click the "Add connection" button#

Screenshot of "Add connection" button in Zapier

3. Search for "Export SDK" and select the corresponding option in the list.#

Screenshot of searching for Export SDK app in Zapier

4. Enter an Export SDK API key in the dialog input.#

See the Dashboard/Settings page for additional information on generating API keys.

Screenshot of API ke input dialog

5. Add Export SDK actions to your Zapier Zaps!#

Search for "Export SDK" in the Zapier action dialog, select the action you would like to perform, and select the Export SDK account that was connected in the previous steps.

Searching for Export SDK app in Zapier
Searching for Export SDK app in Zapier

Selecting an Export SDK Zapier action
Selecting an Export SDK Zapier action

Selecting an Export SDK account
Selecting an Export SDK account